For those who own a Iphone & which is riding on U Mobile service, you would need to configure your phone for the data & MMS service to run properly
Assumptions:- Iphone 3G is unclock (e.g manage to use voice and SMS without problem)
Step 1: Go to "Settings" > "General" > "Network" > "Cellular Data"
Step 2: In the top section enter the "APN = my3G"
Step 3: In the MMS section, enther the following details
APN: my3g
MMS Proxy:
Note:For MMS configuration, you would need to reboot the OS for it to functioning correctly.
For Data configuration, you can configure on the fly
Note: If you did not subscribe "unlimited" data configuration, remember to remove the APN data section after use or day expired to avoid any un-necessary high usage by the end of your bill cycle.