Saturday, December 24, 2011

Get iTunes notification pop up in dock (10.7)

Application on MAC OS X 10.7 (Lion) 

We've never share try this, just to share with readers on the tips & tricks we come across:-

There's a hidden setting for the Dock that will show pop-up notifications of which iTunes track is playing, a little like Growl.

First, quit iTunes if it's open, then open a Terminal window and type the following:

defaults write itunes-notifications -bool TRUE;killall Dock

Then start iTunes and try playing a track. Neat, eh? The pop-up fades away after a few seconds. To add the iTunes icon to the pop-up window, type the following into a Terminal window:

defaults write notification-always-show-image -bool TRUE;killall Dock

To deactivate the pop-up at a later date, quit iTunes again, then open a Terminal window and type the following two lines:

defaults delete itunes-notifications
defaults delete notification-always-show-image;killall Dock
Source:- [MacWorld

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